When the king begged in repentance, the sage softened a little and said that though born a crocodile in the next birth, he will gain liberation in the hands of Lord Vishnu.

Suddenly, a crocodile living in the lake attacked Gajendra and caught him by the leg.

Gajendra then attained a form like that of the god Sarupya Mukti and went to Vaikuntha with Vishnu. SriMaata Vaibhavamu Vijayawada, It is one of the famous exploits of the god Vishnu. The prayer made by Gajendra on this occasion became a famous. Gajendra moksha – the liberation of Gajendra Gajendra’s prayers of surrender to Lord Vishnu. Everyone knows the story of Gajendra Moksham. GAJENDRA MOKSHAM (THE RELEVANCE IN OUR LIFE). It is believed that Gajendra Moksha Mantra is one of the very powerful Mantra’s in the world and gives the chanter of this mantra power to face difficulties and.

Publisher Description Gajendra moksha - the liberation of Gajendra Gajendra’s prayers of surrender to Lord Vishnu.